Thursday 31 March 2011

Mummification: dirty, stinky, but fun

As part of their Social Studies Curriculum, some students at Clearwater Middle School in Bermuda study early civilizations, including Ancient Egyptians. And as part of the course they get to try out mummification.

Teachers worked with students to actually create mummies using store bought Cornish Hens and then using the mummifying process of ancient Egyptians.

Over six weeks, during the summer term of the last academic year, students prepared the hens for burial and developed a personality and added items to the boxes to describe what their 'person' was like in life.

“This activity helped me to think that maybe I could be an archaeologist. Even though it was dirty and stinky, I had fun,” one of the students, Kyanna Bramwell, told the Royal Gazette newspaper.

The students are also looking forward to their next curriculum unit when they get to create a new generation of mummies. “I enjoyed this activity, and I look forward to making my own mummy and coffin when we study ancient Egypt in May,” said student Deaje Trott.

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